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Stainless steel table 1000x600x850 Hendi 1 sink
Roostevabast terasest köögimööbel on mõeldud iseseisvaks kokkupanemiseks, mis teeb selle transportimise ja hoiustamise lihtsaks. Valamu mõõtmetega 400x400x250 mm (kõrgus) asub paremal pool. Põhjas on standardne äravooluava läbimõõduga 50 mm ning segisti paigaldamiseks on 30 mm läbimõõduga ava. Tagaseina kaitseks pritsmete eest on 40 mm kõrgune serv. Laua ja riiuli ligikaudne lubatud koormus on 70 kg ruutmeetri kohta. Mööbli jalad on valmistatud 40x40 mm profiilidest ning need on reguleeritavad vahemikus +25/-5 mm. Köögimööbli üldmõõtmed on: pikkus 1000 mm, laius 600 mm ja kõrgus 850 mm. See roostevabast terasest köögimööbel sobib ideaalselt professionaalseks kasutamiseks köökides, kus on vaja vastupidavat ja hügieenilist tööpinda. Tänu kokkupandavale konstruktsioonile on mööblit lihtne transportida ja vajadusel ümber paigutada.
SKU: 1395 ,   EAN: 8711369816783 ,   Stock qty: On special order
380,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Stainless steel table with shelf 1000x600x850 Hendi 1 sink
Roostevaba töölaud integreeritud kraanikausiga on mõeldud professionaalseks kasutamiseks köökides, toitlustusasutustes ja tööstustes, kus on vajalik vastupidav ja hügieeniline tööpind koos pesemisalaga. Isemonteeritav konstruktsioon tagab lihtsa transpordi ja hoiustamise. Valmistatud roostevabast terasest. Kraanikausi mõõtmed on 400 x 400 x 250 mm (sügavus). Standardne äravooluava sifoonile on 50 mm läbimõõduga, segisti paigaldusava on 30 mm läbimõõduga. Tagaseinal on 40 mm kõrgune serv, mis kaitseb seina pritsmete eest. Laua ja riiuli maksimaalne koormustaluvus on 70 kg/m². Jalad on valmistatud 40 x 40 mm profiilist ning on reguleeritavad vahemikus +25/-5 mm. Töölaud on varustatud fikseeritud riiuliga, mille kaugus põrandast riiuli alumise servani on 160 mm ning riiuli maksimaalne koormustaluvus on 70 kg/m². Kraanikauss asub paremal pool. Töölaua üldmõõtmed on 1000 x 600 x 850 mm (pikkus x laius x kõrgus).
SKU: 1396 ,   EAN: 8711369817018 ,   Stock qty: On special order
420,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Blast chiller Arktic 230V/1180W stainless steel
Professionaalne kiirkülmuti on varustatud kambriga, mis mahutab GN 1/1 mahuteid ja 600x400 mm aluseid. Seade on varustatud temperatuurianduri, sundjahutussüsteemi ja manuaalse sulatussüsteemiga ning seadme all asub kondensaadi kogumisalus. Seadmel on eraldi funktsioonid jäätise külmutamistsükliks -20°C juures ja pindmiseks sügavkülmutamiseks -40°C juures. Sisemine LED-valgustus tagab hea nähtavuse. Seadmel on lukustatav, isesulguv uks koos heli- ja visuaalse avamisalarmiga ning ukse avanemissuunda saab reguleerida.
Seade on varustatud ukse avamisel aktiveeruva mikrolülitiga, digitaalse termostaadiga ning roostevabast terasest korpuse ja kambriga. Kliimaklass 5 võimaldab seadmel sujuvalt töötada kuni +40°C keskkonnatemperatuuril. Seadmes kasutatakse külmaainet R290. Tehniliste andmete hulka kuuluvad reguleeritava kõrgusega roostevabast terasest jalad ning kambri maht, mis võimaldab mahutada 7 GN 1/1 mahutit või 7 600x400 mm alust. Kambri sisemõõtmed on 640x452x730 mm (kõrgus), kamber on varustatud 7 komplekti siinidega, mille vahekaugus on 70 mm. Seadme jahutamisvõimsus +3°C juures on 23 kg ja külmutusvõimsus -18°C juures 18 kg. Seade kaalub 116 kg, on varustatud digitaalse juhtpaneeliga, tarbib võimsust 1180 W ning on programmeeritav.
See kiirkülmuti on mõeldud toitude kiireks jahutamiseks või külmutamiseks, säilitades seejuures toidu kvaliteedi ja tagades toiduohutuse. Seade sobib ideaalselt professionaalsetele köökidele, restoranidele ja toidutööstustele. Tegemist on olulise tööstusseadmega, mida tuntakse erinevate nimetuste all: tööstuslik kiirkülmuti, blast chiller, šokk-külmuti, professionaalne külmutusseade, toidu kiirjahutusseade, GN mahutite külmuti, toiduainetööstuse seade, restorani külmutusseade või kommertsiaalne külmutusseade. Seadme disain vastab professionaalse köögi nõuetele, muutes selle tänapäevase toiduteeninduse oluliseks osaks.
SKU: 1391 ,   EAN: 8711369232194 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
4290,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Used: Homogenizer GEA Arigete 3006
SKU: 1389 ,   EAN: 20000000539412 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
23000,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Special price offers View more
Beer cooler KONTAKT 40/K Green Line
Cooler with compressor is suitable for Keykegs 2.8...3.2bar. After connecting to the mains, the device is ready for operation in 5..8 minutes. Temperature range +2...+10C. Cooling capacity 35-40l/h (max. 50l/h), with 2-output tap, cooling pipes 14jm, dimensions: 210x331xh465mm, Weight: 29.3kg, power consumption 1100W/230V/50Hz/1.16A. connecting hoses: John Guest 5/8. When using a cooler, it is necessary to purchase additional pipe and tank fittings. The pressure from the CO2 cylinder is approx. 2.5...2.9bar if you use a metal barrel.
SKU: 9001353 ,   EAN: 5420069801809 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
975,00 € (11%)
1095,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Y-piece with 2 outputs and CO2 stop-taps
Accessory for pressure regulator, convenient to share CO2 pressure equally on two outputs. Compatible with pressure regulators in our range (product codes: 9001197 and 9000507)..
SKU: 27968 ,   EAN: 580845 ,   Stock qty: 1
22,95 € (38.5%)
37,30 €
Stock qty: 1
Bioethanol fireplace Dorre, stainlessteel
On dark evenings, there is nothing better than enjoying a live fire around the table with family and friends. At least 95% bioethanol is used as the combustion liquid, so the combustion is clean and free of toxic residues. The biofireplace is easy to use, as it does not require a separate flue and does not release soot and ash into the room. Simply fill the burner with the burning liquid and light it. The lower part is made of copper-treated metal and the flame is surrounded by 3mm tempered glass. The set also includes a flame extinguishing hose. CHARACTERISTICS: Stainless burning pot 120ml / Liquid-absorbing fiber material inside the burning pot prevents liquid from flowing out if the fireplace falls over / Power 2.5kw, burning time approx. 70-80 min. / Dimensions: 26.5x18cm, weight 1.2kg. Dorre - Swedish quality. Buy more burn fluid too!.
SKU: 31583 ,   EAN: 7392753360825 ,   Stock qty: 3 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
33,90 € (9.1%)
37,30 €
Stock qty: 3
Plastic tap 3/8 for canning pot
Plastic valve for 3/8 opening..
SKU: 9001456 ,   EAN: 2000000025933 ,   Stock qty: 3 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
5,25 € (37.5%)
8,40 €
Stock qty: 3
Seasonal products View more
Dual fuel inverter generator R3100IS 3-3.3kw petrol/lpg
Average power: 3.0 kW (petrol) / 2.6 kW (LPG). Maximum power: 3.5 kW (petrol) / 3.0 kW (LPG). Average voltage: 230V. Average frequency: 50 Hz. Current: 13.1A (petrol) / 11.4A (LPG). Mobility: Portable handle. Displacement: 141cc. Sine wave fluctuation: <3%. Starting system: manual start and electronic start. Fuel tank capacity: 6L. Fuel consumption ratio @100%: 1.8L/H. Fuel consumption ratio @50%: 1.1L/H. Fuel: petrol / liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Recommended oil: SAE 10W-40. Protection: overload warning. Dimensions (L×W×H) mm: 590 × 365 × 530 mm. Net weight: 28 kg. The ECO throttle increases fuel efficiency, long operating times and engine life.
SKU: 52243 ,   EAN: 5425000396666 ,   Stock qty: 14 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
750,00 € (21.1%)
950,00 €
Stock qty: 14
Dual fuel inverter generator R2000IS 1,8-2kw petrol/lpg
Average power: 1.8 kW (petrol) / 1.5 kW (LPG). Maximum power: 2.0 kW (petrol) / 1.7 kW (LPG). Average voltage: 230V. Average frequency: 50 Hz. Current: 7.8A (petrol) / 6.6A (LPG). Mobility: Portable handle. Displacement: 79.7cc. Sine wave fluctuation: <3%. Starting system: manual start. Fuel tank volume: 5L. Fuel consumption ratio @100%: 1.1L/H. Fuel consumption ratio @50%: 0.6L/H. Fuel: petrol / liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Recommended oil: SAE 10W-40. Protection: overload warning. Dimensions (L×W×H) mm: 605 × 350 × 510 mm. Net weight: 20 kg. The ECO throttle increases fuel efficiency, long operating times and engine life.
SKU: 52236 ,   EAN: 5425000396659 ,   Stock qty: 6 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
450,00 € (24.4%)
595,00 €
Stock qty: 6
Dried yeast W15™ - Lalvin™ - 125 g
Lalvin W15® has been selected as the best yeast in its category by the Swiss Wädenswil Wine Institute. The yeast is intended for the production of dry white and red wines. During fermentation, little heat is generated, which is good for the freshness and fruitiness of the wine. In addition, it keeps the pH low. Lalvin W15 increases the fullness of wine by producing high levels of glycerol and succinic acid. Suitable for white, red and rosé wines, MLF (lactic acid bacteria) is recommended, high glycerol and succinic acid production, increases e.g. natural properties of the grape. Package 125g, dosage 20-25g/hl for white or pink and 25-35g/hl for red. In the case of red wine, a 125g package will make approx. 1200l and white approx. 1500 l. Fermentation temperature +10...+23C. Alcohol max. 15% Usage: Use warm water (35-37C) in 10x more quantity than yeast and mix well. Let stand for 20 minutes and then add to the wine..
SKU: 9000435 ,   EAN: 5708046112040 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
19,90 € (27.4%)
27,40 €
Stock qty: 2
Beer starter kit 20L, light
Beer starter kit 20L, light. The brewing instructions are written on the canister of maltose! The kit contains everything you need to brew beer at home. In the set: fermentation vessel, beer extract maltose Adramees 2.5kg, mixing paddle-spoon, bottler (bottle filler), golden crown caps 26mm 100pcs, stopper for crown caps and additionally sulphite Tannisol 10g.NB! Sulphite is for disinfecting the fermentation vessel before you start brewing!
SKU: 1040 ,   EAN: 20000000536558 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
95,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Beer starter kit 20L, dark
Beer starter kit 20L, dark. The brewing instructions are written on the canister of maltose! The kit contains everything you need to brew beer at home. In the set: fermentation vessel, beer extract maltose Vahva Munk 2.5kg, mixing paddle-spoon, bottler (bottle filler), golden crown caps 26mm 100pcs, stopper for crown caps and additionally sulphite Tannisol 10g. NB! Sulphite is for disinfecting the fermentation vessel before you start brewing!
SKU: 1041 ,   EAN: 20000000536565 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
96,00 €
Stock qty: 1
IPA Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer IPA kit make 5 Liters around 8.8 Pints. 4.1% ABV Approx. The Georges beer kits are easy to handle and make more so if you are finding 23 litres in a standard beer kit just too heavy. The Georges IPA kit is an all-malt kit, so no need for extra fermenting sugar. There is 650grms of malt extract in every pack, which will produce a high-quality beer with great character. The beer kits do require basic equipment to produce but being only 5 litres, they won't take up too much room. George Beer also offers Starter kit with everything you need to make the beer kits, Apart from Bottles and water. Fermentation time will be around 5 - 8 Days once made and put into bottles best to keep these for about 10-14 days before drinking. Inside a Georges Starter kit you get: 1 x Georges IPA Beer Kit, 1 x Fermenter, 1 x Hammer Capper, Crown Caps, 1 x Thermometer, 1 x Sugar Dispenser, Instructions in 5 Languages. All the equipment is re-usable, but will require cleaning and sterilising before use. Georges IPA Beer Kit Ingredients: Liquid Malt Extract (Barley), Invert Sugar Syrup, Dried Yeast (Yeast Emulsifier(E491)), Hop Extract. Georges IPA Beer Kit Nutritional Information Per 100g Unfermented: Energy - 1314 KJ / 311 Kcal. FAT - 0.2g, Saturates 0.0g. Carbohydrate - 72.6g, Sugars 58.1g. Protein - 32g. Salt - 0.03g. Sodium - 12.0mg.
SKU: 1163 ,   EAN: 8006819166410 ,   Stock qty: 10 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 10
Lager Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer Lager Kit make 5 Liters around 8.8 Pints. ABV 4.1% Approx. The Georges beer kits are easy to handle and make more so if you are finding 23 litres in a standard beer kit just too heavy. The Georges Lager kit is an all-malt kit, so no need for extra fermenting sugar. There is 650grms of malt extract in every pack, which will produce a high-quality beer with great character. The beer kits do require basic equipment to produce but being only 5 litres, they won't take up too much room. George Beer also offers Starter kit with everything you need to make the beer kits, Apart from Bottles and water. Fermentation time will be around 5 - 8 Days once made and put into bottles best to keep these for about 10-14 days before drinking. Inside a Georges Starter kit you get: 1 x Georges Lager Kit, 1 x Fermenter, 1 x Hammer Capper, Crown Caps, 1 x Thermometer, 1 x Sugar Dispenser. Instructions in 5 Languages. All the equipment is re-usable, but will require cleaning and sterilising before use. Georges Lager Beer Kit Ingredients: Liquid Malt Extract (Barley), Invert Sugar Syrup, Dried Yeast (Yeast Emulsifier(E491)), Hop Extract. Georges Lager Beer Kit Nutritional Information Per 100g Unfermented: Energy - 1315 KJ / 311 Kcal. FAT - 0.2g, Saturates 0.0g. Carbohydrate - 72.7g, Sugars 58.1g. Protein - 3.2g. Salt 0.03g. Sodium - 12.0mg.
SKU: 1162 ,   EAN: 8006819166397 ,   Stock qty: 19 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 19
Pilsner Starter Kit 5 Litres | Georges Beer
Georges Beer Pilsner kit make 5 Liters around 8.8 Pints. 4.1% ABV Approx. The Georges beer kits are easy to handle, more so if you are finding 23 litres in a standard beer kit just too heavy. The Georges Pilsner kit is an all-malt kit, so no need for extra fermenting sugar. There is 650grms of malt extract in every pack, which will produce a high-quality beer with great character. The beer kits do require basic equipment to produce but being only 5 litres, they won't take up too much room. George Beer also offers Starter kit with everything you need to make the beer kits, Apart from Bottles and water. Fermentation time will be around 5 - 8 Days once made and put into bottles best to keep these for about 10-14 days before drinking. Inside a Georges Starter kit you get: 1 x Georges Pilsner Kit, 1 x Fermenter, 1 x Hammer Capper, Crown Caps, 1 x Thermometer, 1 x Sugar Dispenser, Instructions in 5 Languages. All the equipment is re-usable, but will require cleaning and sterilising before use. Georges Pilsner Beer Kit Ingredients: Liquid Malt Extract (Barley), Invert Sugar Syrup, Dried Yeast (Yeast Emulsifier(E491)), Hop Extract. Georges Pilsner Beer Kit Nutritional Information Per 100g Unfermented: Energy - 1314 KJ / 311 Kcal. FAT - 0.2g, Saturates 0.0g. Carbohydrate - 72.6g, Sugars 58.1g. Protein - 3.2g. Salt - 0.03g. Sodium - 12.0mg.
SKU: 1164 ,   EAN: 8006819166403 ,   Stock qty: 29 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
39,90 € (11.1%)
44,90 €
Stock qty: 29
Brewferm Soda keg 19 l
The new pressure tank (beer tank) made of high-quality stainless steel has a handy weight and size. The container is easy to fill-empty and clean... thanks to the large opening on the top of the container. The surface of the stainless tank is protected by a rubber lower protection ring and a metal handle. Technical data: size-18.9L / Dimensions: height 555mm / diameter 232mm / Weight: 3.35kg / pressure relief valve 5bar. In addition to the pressure tank, it is necessary to purchase an outlet valve kit. With this kit, you can naturally release cider under pressure. If you need CO2, the following are added: Variant 1: Mini-balloon set Connecting joint Cylinders Variant 2: Connecting joint 2 pcs..
SKU: 9000717 ,   EAN: 5420069842109 ,   Stock qty: 5 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
121,00 € (12.9%)
139,00 €
Stock qty: 5
55 L drum with lid, PE, white red
new HDPE plastic drum 55l with a screw-on airtight and watertight lid that complies with food standards. Height 520mm and diameter 410mm, opening 282mm. The maximum filling temperature is 70°C - before closing and stacking the containers, the contents must be cooled to a temperature of 30°C. Screw-on lid saves time, Very low moisture and vapor permeability, UN certificate (1H2) for liquids, food storage, lockable and durable lid, Reusable material.
SKU: 9001165 ,   EAN: 5420069805333 ,   Stock qty: 8 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
94,00 € (13.8%)
109,00 €
Stock qty: 8
Aronia flour 1kg Jõeva farm (organic)
Ingredients: black chokeberry.Organic aronia flour is 100% natural, no preservatives, dyes or sugar have been added, made from dried and ground aronia berries grown in the nature of Pärnu County. The product is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Suitable for use as a healthy additive and for flavoring various drinks, for example beers, ciders, wines, as well as porridges, smoothies, muesli, baked goods, marinades, etc.Did you know that the weight of berries decreases 8-15 times when dried? Therefore, 120 g of berry powder = 1 kg of fresh berries.
SKU: 1143 ,   EAN: 4745010357282 ,   Stock qty: 22 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
19,90 € (33.4%)
29,90 €
Stock qty: 22
Aronia juice in a 3l bag (organic)
Organic aronia juice 100% with added vitamin C. The aronia berry is bursting with vitamins, bioactive substances and antioxidants, which are also perfectly preserved in the juice made from aronia and strongly promote health. In addition to vitamins, chokeberry also contains a number of less common nutrients such as quercetin, peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin, epicaticin, caffeic acid and malvidin, which also offer protection against free radicals. Aronias are also rich in carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. The latter has the ability to photofilter UV radiation and protect the eyes, especially in older people, from macular degeneration. In addition, chokeberries are rich in C, A, E, B group, P and PP group vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, iron and manganese, as well as iodine, copper and boron..
SKU: 48949 ,   EAN: 4745010357183 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
7,95 € (27.4%)
10,95 €
Stock qty: 69
Defective: OPEN WINE TANKS 300 l 3 v
container on stainless legs for fermentation and/or short-term storage of wine. The set includes: legs; conical base; bottom valve 1" (220mm from the plane); sampling valve 1/2"; upper valve 1/2", upper spring cover, floating cover. Dimensions: diameter 636mm and height 1320mm. Leg height 320mm..The size of the tank can vary up to max. +/-10%
SKU: 1152 ,   EAN: 20000000537647 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
395,00 € (33.6%)
595,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
3L Alembric Flip Top + thermometer
High-quality copper and handcrafted distiller from a Portuguese manufacturer. Container 3l, dimensions 53x48x18cm, copper thickness 1.0mm, weight 3kg, with thermometer. PS Dimensions and weight may differ from those indicated above, as it is a handmade product.
SKU: 9000161 ,   EAN: 5420069802219 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
479,00 € (7.7%)
519,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Filter unit EUR-20 40x40, with pump
SPECIAL PRICE FOR DEMO MODEL ONLY!Professional and high-capacity filter unit with filter plates 40x40cm 20 pcs. Suitable for filtering wines, sparkling wines, oils, low alcohol liqueurs and herbal drugs. Inlet and outlet control valves with a visual inspection spacer to check the output product. In addition, it is equipped with taps for air ventilation and the possibility to take samples of the processed product. Technical description: dimensions 100x60x900cm, weight 250 kg, plates 40x40cm, production capacity per hour (wine) 2000l, (oil) 350l, pressure 3 bar.
SKU: 46501 ,   EAN: 2000000046501 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
5990,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Cooling unit Pygmy 25/K Exclusive 2xtap
Cooler with an exclusive and nice design with 2 outputs, which also includes design lighting integrated into the housing. Cooler with compressor is suitable for Keykegs 2.8...3.2bar. After connecting to the mains, the device is ready for operation in 2..4 minutes. Temperature range +2...+10C. Cooling capacity 30l/h, with 1 outlet tap, cooling pipe 13.5jm, dimensions: 185x300x345mm, weight: 16.5kg, power consumption 267W/230V/50Hz/1.16A. connecting hoses: John Guest 3/8. When using a cooler, it is necessary to purchase additional pipe and tank fittings. The pressure from the CO2 cylinder is approx. 2.5...2.9bar if you use a metal barrel.
SKU: 9001354 ,   EAN: 2000000024912 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
990,00 € (9.6%)
1095,00 €
Stock qty: 1
58L Kegmenter with 4Inch Flat Lid and AirLock
New pressure tank (beer tank) made of high-quality stainless steel - 2 fermentation vessels in one. The container is easy to fill-empty and clean... thanks to the large opening on the top of the container. Technical data: size 58L. Additional equipment: pressurization kit. Working pressure 3.5 bar, max pressure 5 bar.
SKU: 49090 ,   EAN: 2000000049090 ,   Stock qty: 2 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
299,00 € (24.3%)
395,00 €
Stock qty: 2
Fermenter with Spiral Air Lock and beer Tap Lt.32
Prepare your home wine or beer easily and quickly in a beautifully decorated 32-liter plastic fermentation vessel with a bottom valve and calibrated liter measuring lines. The lid of the container has a sealed hole into which the airlock is placed..
SKU: 49083 ,   EAN: 2000000049083 ,   Stock qty: 13 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
18,90 € (6.4%)
20,20 €
Stock qty: 13
E x ternal carbonator 5/8
The device is designed to produce sparkling water by mixing drinking water and CO2 and is capable of producing 40 l of carbonated water per hour. Easy to connect to cooler and tap tower or faucet. An affordable solution for restaurants and other beverage establishments looking to expand their existing bar with perfectly chilled sparkling water. Advantages and useful functions: OUTPUT - the device is capable of producing up to 40 l/h, QUALITY - the materials used meet the strictest hygiene standards and ensure a long service life of the device, COMFORTABLE TO CARRY - easy and safe handling of the system thanks to the small size and the handle on top, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE – Modern layout of LINDR cooling technology ensures ease of possible service and maintenance, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY, SIZE – best performance/quality/size ratio. POWER 345W/1.5A, NET WEIGHT 10kg, VOLTAGE (V) 220-240V 50Hz~1, BEVERAGE CONNECTION G 5/8, CO2 CONNECTION G 5/8.
SKU: 48154 ,   EAN: 5420069831608 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
549,00 € (35.3%)
849,00 €
Stock qty: 1
cherry and prune stoner STEINOMAT 20 kg/h
A stable and well-standing model. Processes two cherries/plums at once. Productivity up to 20 kg/h..
SKU: 9000721 ,   EAN: 4004094406065 ,   Stock qty: 1 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
71,00 €
Stock qty: 1
Barrel 3l glass + wooden base
Glass decorative barrel with wooden base and outlet valve. Suitable for serving different drinks and also for storage. Installing the valve on the keg: tighten the screw behind the valve enough to fit into the hole in the keg. Push the end of the valve into the hole in the keg and by slightly pulling the valve outwards, turn the valve until you feel it start to tighten.
SKU: 51949 ,   EAN: 5900779815728 ,   Stock qty: 31 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
24,90 € (21.9%)
31,90 €
Stock qty: 31
Stainless steel barrel 50l, TIG welded
Stainless steel transport container. For universal use, with a flat bottom, 2 handles, hermetically sealed lid (Ø 20 cm) and the possibility of a bottom drain valve. Stainless steel AISI 304. Volume: 50 liters, Ø x H: 37 x 55 cm.
SKU: 28842 ,   EAN: 2176636328842 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Delivery time: 2024-12-31 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
119,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
IBC tank 300L compactline
Special container with reinforced base frame for transporting and storing food liquids such as juices, wines, water, etc. Pressure max. 0.09 atm. With food certificate. Dimensions 800x600x996mm. Stackable on top of each other..
SKU: 9000255 ,   EAN: 5420069834531 ,   Stock qty: On special order ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
219,00 € (12%)
249,00 €
Stock qty: On special order
Blackcurrant powder 300g Jõeva talu (organic)
Ingredients: mild blackcurrantOrganic blackcurrant flour is 100% natural, no preservatives, dyes or sugar have been added, it is made from dried and ground blackcurrants grown in the pure nature of Pärnumaa. The product is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Suitable for use as a healthy additive and for flavoring various drinks, for example beers, ciders, wines, as well as porridges, smoothies, muesli, baked goods, marinades, etc.Did you know that the weight of berries decreases 8-15 times when dried? Therefore, 120 g of berry powder = 1 kg of fresh berries.
SKU: 1046 ,   EAN: 200000005366 ,   Stock qty: 24 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
9,95 €
Stock qty: 24
Automatic canning pot-pasteur 27l Domo with stainless steel tap
multifunctional stainless pot with a bottom stainless tap! Prepare food, boil, preserve and heat juice, etc. and behind a healthy lifestyle. Suitable for pasteurizing juice and bottling directly into bags. Viscous raw materials are not suitable for the processing of beer wort, syrup, milk, etc. Place the grid in the set on the bottom of the pot when heating with cans. Additional information: Stainless steel bowl size 27L; Productivity of juice pasteurization approx. 25l/h (+from 20C to +85 C approx. 60min depending on the ambient temperature) ; Very precise thermostat with LCD display 30...+100C; Timer: 1-120min; Overheating protection; Audio alarm when the temperature is reached; non-heating plastic cover; The set includes a grate on which it is convenient to make compotes or to disinfect tare; Power 2kw; Dimensions 415x414x455mm. 24 pcs on the base. . Claim submission period 2 years. Device warranty for companies 3 months..
SKU: 30067 ,   EAN: 5411397032454 ,   Stock qty: 4 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
149,00 € (6.3%)
159,00 €
Stock qty: 4
Open Top Drum 30l
New food grade (HDPE) plastic barrel with lid. Handles on the sides for more convenient transport. Height 610mm and diameter 400mm, neck 320mm, weight 2.2kg.
SKU: 9001483 ,   EAN: 2000000026206 ,   Stock qty: 6 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend:
32,90 € (8.4%)
35,90 €
Stock qty: 6
Fermenter Lt. 50 with Tap
Prepare your home wine or beer easily and quickly. 50-liter plastic container with bottom valve and screw-on lid. There is a sealed hole on the lid of the container, into which the airlock is placed (accessory - sold separately). The set includes a blind cap to seal the container airtight. Dimensions: 40x36x56cm..
SKU: 50034 ,   EAN: 8006417015066 ,   Stock qty: 42 ,   Pakend: ,   Hulgipakend: ,   Kuumale +95C:
59,90 € (6.4%)
64,00 €
Stock qty: 42

The heart of our company is experience - experience since 2009. Do you believe this is enough? Our reputation: We are what you see. What you see is who we are. Our range of products: when choosing products, we start with the principle - quality and reliability of the product first, then the price range. The thousands of devices we sell all over the world tell our story, as our company is always monitoring the signals in the market and is always there when customers face difficulties or need follow-up services. Quality, after-sales service, punctuality: these words are often misused these days, so they have lost their original meaning, but they have become our core values, which we like to do every day and for the benefit of all our customers. CIDER MILL HAVE A BIG HEART LIKE THE BEST WINE IN YOUR CELLAR COME AND VISIT US….